Rhimtek is a Mexican company 100% dedicated to the manufacture of metallic pieces for several applications within the Maquila  industry. We count on but of 10 years of activity in Reynosa.

We have received the recognition of our Clients who monitor our performance as far as the quality levels obtained and the fulfillment in the deliveries. Us to serve the purposes as the organizations who give the opportunity us to collaborate with them, it is extremely important, as well as it is it to generate mutually beneficial relations with them.

Our Mission:
Rhimtek is committed to become in the best Company supplying machining parts and outsourcing services in Reynosa this commit is oriented to our collaborators, customers and our future, using innovating technologies and implementing relationships with a mutual benefit.

Our Vision:
To have a wide range of customers with short and long term contracts, with stable and defined processes in the appliances and automotive production having the manufacturing, quality and production resources that our customers demand.

Quality Policy:
“Supply products and services which meet our customer requirements in a continuous improvement environment”

ISO 9001-2015 Certification:





Your Best Option by Sorting, Rework and Industrial Machining in Reynosa Tamaulipas.

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"The price of greatness is responsibility" 

Winston Churchill